News - Charlottetown Yacht ClubCYC is a vibrant community of sail and power boaters from all walks of life. The club was established in 1922 to (1) promote sailing and power boating in Charlottetown Harbour and the Northumberland Strait; (2) provide facilities for club members and visiting boaters; and (3) maintain a clubhouse and other facilities to promote the welfare of the membership.
Junior Sailing Registrations Now Open for Summer 2025
Visit our online storefront CYC Online Stores to register. EZ Dock/CYC Charlottetown Race Week turns 40 in 2025!
Race Week 2025 is July 17-19. Visit for details and to register. Early registration discount available. Future Charlottetown Race Week dates:
2025 CYC Wind, Wave and Waterfront Sail-a-bration
Open to the Public Winter-spring - Seawall restoration project and building lift. Your patience is appreciated as we get the facilities adjusted to the new structures. February TBD - Annual General Meeting April-May TBD - Docks in May TBD - Salt & Sol Restaurant and Lounge opening ... Public Welcome! June - Junior sailor race training begins and the Rowing Club starts on-water operations June TBD - Start of Monday and Wednesday night club racing: Racing June TBD - Peake & McInnis Opening Regatta July TBD - Commodore's Reception in the great hall July and August - Junior Sailing Courses July 17-19 - Charlottetown Race Week: One Design Speed Week Race Week 2025 registration: July TBD - PEI Boating Festival August TBD - Race the Tide Dinghy Regatta August TBD - Fitzroy Rock Race September TBD - Northumberland Strait Challenge September TBD - Peake & McInnis Closing Regatta September TBD - End of Monday-Wednesday evening racing season September TBD - All boats must be out of the marina September TBD - Docks out October TBD - Awards night Come for the Boating, Join the Tradition, Everyone Welcome! No Winter Boat Storage at CYC this Winter (2024-25):
There will be no winter storage on the CYC site this winter owing to the seawall restoration project that began in September 2024. Contact the CYC Manager for possible alternatives. Volunteer Work Parties: New Private FaceBook Group
A cornerstone of CYC's community is the depth of skills and talent in its membership. Volunteer work parties assemble from time to time to tackle all kinds of maintenance and other projects around the club and marina. We have a new, private FaceBook group for members interested in volunteer work party opportunities: Ask to join and we will verify CYC membership. CYC has a Real-time Weather Station
[NOTE: the station is temporarily offline during the seawall restoration project.] Thanks to a partnership between CYC and the Climate Lab at the University of PEI, you can see real-time weather information from sensors placed in our marina. The climate station was installed at the CYC in August 2021 by the UPEI Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation, as part of a three-year project funded by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. The station provides air and water temperature, wind speed and direction, rainfall, solar radiation, and water level measurements every five minutes, and will be used in various climate research and modelling projects of the Climate Centre. The data are available publically to all at the link, and the Climate Centre hopes that the station will be useful in the planning and operations of the CYC and to its members. |
CYC Sponsors, Supporters, Partners and Collaborators:
A-1 Vacuum ArsenaultBestCameronEllis Atlantic Warehousing Ltd Blue Heron Power & Sail Squadron Brown's Crane Capital Honda Career Development Services Chucker's Trophies & Awards City of Charlottetown Craftsman Construction Cudmore Ross Wealth Management FASTSIGNS® Fitzroy Center Kenmac Energy Inc Keybrand Foods Maritime Marine Supply MarineSource Peake & McInnis Province of Prince Edward Island Sal & Sol Restaurant & Lounge CYC Season Race Program: Peake and McInnis Ltd CYC Race Week Sponsors: View our other Race Week sponsors CYC Junior Sailing Program: Subaru of Charlottetown CYC Race the Tide Youth Regatta: Sponsors welcome! |